Friday 9 October 2015

“16 DIY Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth…”

Everyone has the desire to have shining set of sparkling white teeth which makes them appear more attractive, young and smart. Beautiful smile actually comes from white and shining teeth. But now – a – days, yellow teeth have become a common problem and this makes many people to avoid their smiling in the public places. So to prevent this embarrassing situation, here we are providing you some natural home remedies that effectively treat this yellow teeth problem and restore the whiteness in your teeth and makes you to smile with confidence.
First of all, you have to know the root cause for these yellow teeth and there are many factors like genetics, diet (what you eat and drink), taking tobacco, intake of excess fluoride level in water, taking certain treatments, smoking cigarettes, aging and poor practicing oral health may be the cause this yellowness in your teeth. In addition to these taking high doses of antibiotics, certain infections, climatic conditions and improper metabolism will contribute to the discoloring of the teeth. Generally tooth is made of 4 tissues – enamel that is strong white covering that effectively protects the tooth, dentin supports the enamel. Here the enamel and dentin plays an important role in color.

16 DIY Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth

Everyone has the desire to have shining set of sparkling white teeth which makes them appear more attractive, young and smart. Beautiful smile actually comes from white and shining teeth. But now – a – days, yellow teeth have become a common problem and this makes many people to avoid their smiling in the public places. So to prevent this embarrassing situation, here we are providing you some natural home remedies that effectively treat this yellow teeth problem and restore the whiteness in your teeth and makes you to smile with confidence.
First of all, you have to know the root cause for these yellow teeth and there are many factors like genetics, diet (what you eat and drink), taking tobacco, intake of excess fluoride level in water, taking certain treatments, smoking cigarettes, aging and poor practicing oral health may be the cause this yellowness in your teeth. In addition to these taking high doses of antibiotics, certain infections, climatic conditions and improper metabolism will contribute to the discoloring of the teeth. Generally tooth is made of 4 tissues – enamel that is strong white covering that effectively protects the tooth, dentin supports the enamel. Here the enamel and dentin plays an important role in color.
Some of the symptoms like teeth discoloration, worn away of the enamel, yellow tints and pits on teeth, foul smell from the mouth, etc. Certain foods and drinks like tea, coffee, etc. will stain the enamel and break down this enamel and after time, it will weaken it as per age. If this enamel breaks down then it gives yellow dentin underneath. Then follow these remedies which focus on whitening the teeth and replace the lost white enamel.

Home Remedies for Whitening the Yellow Teeth:

Although there are many professional treatments that remove this yellow tinge from the teeth but all these treatments will take time and are more expensive. You can try some natural remedies that are available in the kitchen that properly restores the pearly white smile.

1. Basil:

Basil is an herb which is good to take for overall health. This is also used widely to get healthy white teeth. Using this basil will give a complete oral care like whitening the yellow teeth, treats dental problems like pyorrhea or stops the bleeding of gums. Ayurveda suggests many ways to use this basil leaves to get rid of the yellow teeth. Here are few ways explained on how to use this for whiten your teeth.

Method – 1: (Homemade Basil Tooth Powder)


  • Basil leaves


  • Take few fresh basil leaves
  • Allow it to shade to get dry completely
  • When once these leaves are fully dried then grind it to get the powder form
  • Now brush your teeth with this powder instead of your regular tooth paste
  • Rub your teeth with your cleaned fingers for more effective results.
  • Or else you can mix this basil powder in your regular tooth paste
  • Stir it and use it to brush your teeth by using tooth brush to get rid of the yellow teeth.
  • Regular brushing of your teeth with this basil tooth powder will definitely helps to give whiter teeth by removing the yellowness on your teeth.

Method – 2: (Basil and Orange Peel Mask)


  • Basil leaves – 7 to 10
  • Dried orange peel powder – 2 teaspoons


  • Take fresh basil leaves and crush them to make it like paste
  • Then add dried orange peel powder to this basil paste
  • Stir it well and apply this paste on your teeth evenly and completely
  • Let it sit for about 15 – 25 minutes and then wash it with water thoroughly.
  • Do this process once daily till you get rid of the yellow teeth.

Method – 3: (Basil and Mustard Oil)


  • Basil leaves – 8 to 10
  • Mustard oil – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon


  • Take fresh basil leaves and crush them to get its paste form
  • Then add mustard oil to this paste
  • Mix it well and use this paste as the toothpaste
  • Regular usage of this basil tooth paste will give you white teeth.

2. Oil Pulling:

Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic technique that helps to achieve overall health by curing a variety of illnesses like arthritis, sinus infection, migraine, joint pains, teeth infections and some skin diseases like eczema, other skin allergies, etc. and coming to enhancing your health point, it will improve your eyesight, hair growth, digestion and gives mental clarity. But the most important thing it will do is whiten up your teeth. It is very effective in treating the teeth infections and other problems by removing the bacteria, plaque and gingivitis so that you get a happy and healthy smile on your mouth. Remember that this oil pulling have to be done as the first thing in the morning that just after you wake up and before not yet brushed the teeth or eaten something. You can do this oil pulling with the oils like coconut oil, sesame oil and olive oil that you have to swish the mouth to pull the bacteria, parasites and other toxins from your teeth and mucus membranes. So here is the detailed process explained below on how to do oil pulling.


You can choose a spoonful of any oil from the list but it should be cold pressed and organic oil
  • Coconut oil (lauric acid in it will get rid of the bacteria in the teeth that found in plaque to make it yellow)
  • Sesame oil
  • Olive oil
  • Take a spoonful of any oil into your mouth.
  • Swish the mouth with oil by putting more energy and efforts
  • Then pull this oil throughout your teeth and also from one side to another side to get rid of the bacterial and other germs causing you a various health and teeth problems.
  • Keep doing this for about 15 – 20 minutes to get whiten up your teeth.
  • Do this process daily or 3 – 4 times in a week till you get rid of the yellow teeth and you get your visible white teeth.
  • Make sure that you may feel tedious as you thought to be, but you can be comfortable in a couple of days.

3. Baking Soda:

Baking soda is an age old remedy that has been effectively used to whiten the yellow teeth. But before using this remedy, you have to know all the drawbacks of using this on teeth. It has abrasive nature (alkaline) that clears the enamel of the teeth. But with this abrasiveness property, this baking soda helps to remove topical stains and plaque of the teeth and also balances the pH or the acidic mouth. If lemon juice is mixed with baking soda, it further wears down the teeth with its citric acid (in lemon juice) that in turn unlocks some of this calcium present in your enamel and helps to whitening the teeth to some extent. Using baking soda will instantly whiten the teeth but its long term usage can be harmful to your protective enamel of teeth. You can use this baking soda remedy for your yellow teeth then prepare a baking soda, lemon and salt mixture to get rid of the problem. But remember that excessive usage of baking soda can strip/damage the teeth’s natural enamel.

Method – 1:


  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice


  • Take little amount of baking soda, salt and lemon juice in a bowl
  • Stir it well to make it paste like consistency
  • Use this paste to brush your teeth.
  • Then again use your regular tooth paste to brush your teeth so that the taste of your mouth will be better.
  • Following this remedy for once or twice a week but not more than this as it causes side effects if used more than 2 times in a week.
  • Or you can simply brush your teeth by mixing only baking soda and lemon juice or water to get rid of the yellow teeth but rinse it well to avoid the acid that affects the enamel of the teeth.

Method – 2:


  • Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice
  • White vinegar or hydrogen peroxide


  • Take all these ingredients in a bowl
  • Mix it well and use this on the yellow teeth
  • Rinse your mouth with water and then repeat this process regularly as needed by you to clear the yellow on your teeth.

Method – 3:


  • Baking soda – 1 tablespoon
  • Cold water – 1 cup


  • Take baking soda and add this on the water
  • Stir it well and use this as mouth wash
  • Rinse your mouth with this mouthwash for 2 – 3 times a day
  • Continue doing this daily till you get rid of the problem.
  • Here you can also add 1 ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in this solution and use this as mouth wash to completely whiten your teeth.

Method – 4:


  • Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
  • Regularly used tooth paste
  • Tooth brush


  • Take a bowl and place baking soda in it
  • Then add a little amount of your regularly used tooth paste
  • Stir it well and brush your teeth with this baking soda mixed paste by using tooth brush.
  • Do your brushing with this mixed paste regularly to whiten up your teeth.

4. Turmeric:

Turmeric is a medicinal herb that gives many health and beauty benefits including whitening the teeth.
It is a great for oral hygiene that not only whitens the teeth. It has strong anti-inflammatory that helps to give relief from gum problems. It also has strong anti-microbial that kills all the germs and other micro-organisms and this in turn prevents tooth decay and gum disease.

Method – 1:


  • Turmeric
  • Lime juice
  • Salt


  • Take some turmeric and roast it for few minutes
  • Then crush them into powder and add a little of lime juice and salt into it
  • Mix it well to make it like fine paste
  • Apply this paste on the teeth to whiten it up
  • Let it sit for few minutes and then rinse it off with water thoroughly
  • Do this process regularly to completely get rid of the yellow color on the teeth and also it is good for gums health.

Method – 2:


  • Turmeric Powder – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Water
  • Tooth brush


  • Take turmeric powder in a small bowl and add sufficient amount of water in it
  • Stir it well to make it like fine paste and then use your toothbrush to pick this paste
  • Now brush your teeth with this paste and leave it for about 2 – 3 minutes
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water till the yellow strains has been removed from the mouth
  • Doing this process regularly will yield best results over yellow teeth and finally makes it white teeth.
  • Remember that turmeric is yellow in color and wash the yellowness on the teeth when applied regularly.

Method – 3:


  • Turmeric powder – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Water – 1/2 glass


  • Take turmeric powder and add this to the water
  • Stir it well to mix the turmeric in that water
  • Then use this water to rinse your mouth as mouthwash
  • Continue rinsing your mouth with this water regularly will help to clear the yellowness on the teeth and makes it white in color.
  • Or you can simply sprinkle some of this turmeric powder into the tooth paste which you’re using regularly and brush the teeth with this paste to get rid of the problem and also to strengthen your teeth from gums.
  • Make sure rinse the turmeric applied part of the skin or else the area (mouth) that comes in contact will dyed turmeric bright yellow.

5. Salt:

Salt is considered as a perfect dental cleansing agent that has been used from many years. It helps to restore the lost minerals in the teeth and this in turn helps to achieve the whiteness on teeth. Remember that salt is harmful for the gums and enamel so avoid using this salt remedy regularly.

Method – 1:


  • Salt
  • Baking soda
  • Tooth brush


  • Take salt in a small bowl and use as tooth powder instead of your regular tooth paste
  • Use your tooth brush to brush your teeth and do this process regularly till you restore your whiteness on the teeth
  • Or you can simply mix baking soda with salt and rub this gently on the teeth and repeat this to reduce the yellow stains on the teeth.

Method – 2:


  • Salt
  • Charcoal
  • Tooth brush


  • Take a bowl and place this common salt and charcoal into it
  • Stir it well and use this to brush your teeth in the morning by using the tooth brush.
  • Regular follow up of this process will definitely help to give relief from the yellow tinges.

6. Certain Tree Twigs:

Using certain tree twigs to clean the teeth is an age old traditional process that has been followed in some of India and its neighboring countries. Certain trees like babul, banyan and neem or margosa trees contain astringent and other effective properties that help to give white teeth when you use the twigs regularly as your brush. But make sure that you have to take a tender twig which is not so soft or hard from the branch of any of these trees. The solution for the big questions in your mind like how to use these twigs as tooth brush in cleaning your teeth or which one is the best tree for this process.
Lets us see which trees are best for this process and how it is best to us.

Babool Tree (or Acacia Arabica):

Babool tree is most tooth friendly tree that its extract has been used in making many herbal tooth pastes. Its twigs contain tannin, a component that helps to make your yellow teeth more whiter.

Banyan Tree (or Ficus Religiosa):

Banyan roots contain natural astringent property that makes your teeth white and give you a complete relief from the yellowness in your teeth.

Neem or Margosa (or Azadirachta indica):

Neem tree has many amazing properties like antiseptic, astringent, anti-bacterial and other properties that effectively treat all the teeth or dental problems including bad breath and also gives you an white teeth by removing the yellowness in your teeth.
Coming to the process of using these tree twig is as follows,
  • Take a twig (should be the length of standard tooth brush) of any of the above trees and wash it well with water
  • Then put one side of the twig in the mouth and chew them slowly for few minutes
  • After thorough chewing, the end will become scattered and fibers will come out of it.
  • Now this look like a brush in the artist’s hand and this is your natural tooth brush.
  • Brush your teeth with this fibrous end for about 15 – 20 minutes and then discard it
  • Always use a fresh one for the next use to get rid of the yellow teeth and also get relieve from many tooth infection or problems.

7. Strawberries:

Strawberry is rich in vitamin C and has astringent property that help to break down the plaque that causing the yellowness in your teeth and finally gives you a pearly white teeth. It also contains an enzyme called malic acid that helps to remove the stains and cleans your teeth.

Method – 1:


  • Strawberry – 1
  • Baking soda
  • Knife


  • Take a strawberry and cut it into two pieces
  • Then take one half piece and sprinkle a pinch of baking soda on it
  • Rub this piece on the teeth for few minutes
  • Rinse it with water and then continue doing this process regularly to get complete relief from the yellow teeth.
  • Or else you can use only plain strawberry without adding any baking soda in it and rub this on teeth.

Method – 2:


  • Strawberries
  • Brush
  • Regular toothpaste


  • Take strawberries and mash it to extract the juice from it.
  • Then apply this juice on the teeth and let it sit for a minute or two
  • You can also use this pulp for this effect
  • But make sure that to brush your teeth with your regularly used tooth paste after using this strawberry remedy on them.
  • Regular application of this strawberry on the yellow teeth will whiten up them and make you smile with more visible white teeth.

Method – 3: (Strawberry, Baking Soda and Salt Scrub)

This is considered as one of the best effective remedy that definitely treats this yellow teeth problem. Salt here acts as abrasive portion of paste that physically scrubbing away the stain – causing gunk and the baking soda reduces the acidity on the teeth and makes it more visible white in appearance.


  • Large strawberries – 2 to 3
  • Sea salt – a pinch
  • Baking soda – 1/2 teaspoon


  • Take strawberries and mash them finely to extract its pulp
  • Then add a pinch of sea salt and baking soda to this pulp
  • Now you have to wipe out the extra saliva with a paper towel
  • Apply a generous portion of this paste on the teeth by using the tooth brush
  • Let it sit for about 5 – 10 minutes and then rinse it off with water
  • It’s better to do this regular till you get rid of the problem.

8. Apples:

An apple a day keeps the yellow stains away from the teeth. Apples generally increases the saliva production and this in turn helps to maintain a fresh and clean breathe. Apple has to be chewed properly to extract malic acid and the fibers in it help to remove the stains by acting like toothbrush and make it whiter.


  • Apple


  • Take one or two apples and eat them daily to get relief from the yellow stain that was accumulated on the teeth
  • Chewing them thoroughly, so as the acidic nature of the apple and its fiber rich rough will work on the teeth.
  • Here you can also eat other crunchy food items like raw carrots, cucumbers and broccoli.

9. Hydrogen Peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide has mild bleaching property that helps to remove the yellow color on teeth and replaces this with white again for a beautiful smile. But make sure to use this H2O2 with caution as it cause irritation of the gums and makes teeth more sensitive. Also avoid swallowing this peroxide while gargling to get rid of the side effects of irritation and other effects.

Method – 1:


  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Water


  • Take hydrogen peroxide and pour this onto your mouth
  • Gargle your mouth as mouthwash with this peroxide for few minutes
  • Then rinse it with hydrogen peroxide and followed by water
  • Do this gargling process daily to get rid of the problem.
  • Never ever swallow this peroxide as this in turn causes some irritation in your mouth other than reducing this yellowness on the teeth.

Method – 2:


  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Tooth brush


  • Take a bowl and add baking soda and hydrogen peroxide into it
  • Stir it well and to make it like paste
  • Use this paste to brush your teeth for few minutes
  • But later you have to brush your teeth with this regular toothpaste

10. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is also one of the best remedies that help to whiten the teeth by removing the yellow color on the teeth. It not only helps to whiten the teeth but also cures many gum diseases and other infected oral cavities with its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in your mouth. It has been used effectively against the cavities and root canals.


  • Aloe vera gel
  • Vegetable glycerin
  • Baking soda


  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze it to extract the gel from the leaves
  • Then add vegetable glycerin into it and stir it well to form it like paste
  • You can also add little amount of baking soda into it
  • Then use this paste for cleaning your teeth
  • Leave this gel on the teeth for few minutes
  • Now wash your mouth completely to remove the aloe vera gel from the mouth
  • Regular follow up of this aloe vera process will definitely help to clear the yellow sting on the teeth.
  • Or you can use aloe vera juice in the place of aloe vera gel to whiten the teeth.

11. Orange Peel:

Fresh orange peel is effectively used to clean the teeth and doing this regularly will prevent the yellow tinge that was accumulated on the teeth. You can also use dried orange peel powder if you don’t have a fresh orange peel. Vitamin C and calcium in the orange peel can combat micro-organisms in your teeth to get relief from the problem.

Method – 1: (Orange Peel)


  • Orange peel


  • Take oranges and peel it off the skin
  • Dry it on the shade for few minutes
  • Rub it on the yellow teeth for few minutes
  • It’s better to rub this at night time before going to sleep.
  • Regularize this rubbing process on your teeth to whiten or lighten up.
  • You can do this at night time to get clear the yellow color on the teeth.

Method – 2: (Orange Peel Powder and Bay Leaves)


  • Orange peel powder
  • Dried bay leaves
  • Water


  • First of all, take dried bay leaves and crush them to make it like powder
  • Then add equal amount of dried orange peel powder into this powder and stir it well
  • Mix it well by adding sufficient amount of water t make this as fine paste
  • Apply this on the teeth and rub this for few minutes
  • Or you can simply use dried powder as tooth powder to prevent the discoloration of the teeth.

12. Charcoal:

Charcoal especially activated charcoal is used to remove the impurities from the water. Here the powerful crystals of charcoal are effectively used to whiten the teeth.


  • Charcoal powder
  • Regular toothpaste
  • Tooth brush


  • Take a small bowl and place the charcoal powder in it
  • Add a small amount of regular toothpaste
  • Stir it well and use this to brush gently your teeth
  • Do this process twice a day to make the teeth sparkling white
  • Or if you don’t have this charcoal powder, you can use the ashes of burnt bread and burnt rosemary to make the teeth whiter.

13. Lemons:

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and have bleaching property that helps to get rid of the yellow discoloration. You can either gargle with this lemon juice and scrub the teeth with lemon peel are considered as the best way to make your teeth white again. It has high acid content that seriously damage the tooth enamel and calcium in it. Also avoid using lemon juice undiluted and you have to dilute it with water before you apply this on the teeth.

Method – 1: (Lemon Peel)


  • Lemon peel
  • Water


  • Take lemon peel and apply this on your teeth
  • Rub this for about 1/2 to 1 minute
  • Wash this with water and repeat this regularly to get rid of the yellow teeth and to get white teeth.

Method – 2: (Lemon)


  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • Water – 1 teaspoon


  • Take lemon juice and mix it with water
  • Stir it well and brush your teeth with this diluted lemon juice
  • Wash it with water and then brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste
  • Repeat this process regularly to get rid of the yellow teeth and enjoy the pearly white teeth.

Method – 3: (Lemon with Salt)


  • Lemon juice
  • Salt


  • Take a bowl and pour few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice into it
  • Then add a small amount of salt in it and mix it well
  • Now apply this mixture on the teeth and rub it for few minutes over the teeth and gums.
  • Leave it on for few minutes and wash the mouth thoroughly with water
  • Follow this process daily for about 2 – 3 weeks to completely get rid of the tartar and the yellow tinge on your teeth.

14. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar removes the stubborn stains on the teeth, particularly from the coffee and nicotine. This effectively brightens and whitens the teeth with its acidity property that removes the stains and discoloration. It also kills the germs that affect the teeth and clears the gum and other teeth problems. But make sure that not to use frequently as this damages the tooth enamel and also brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste (preferably non – fluoride paste) and rinse your mouth with water thoroughly.


  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Water


  • Take 1 part of apple cider vinegar and add this to 2 parts of water in it
  • Stir it well and then use this solution to swish it around the mouth for 2 – 3 minutes
  • But make sure that not to swallow this solution
  • Brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste and then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Method – 2:


  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Toothpaste


  • Take apple cider vinegar and pour a little bit of ACV into your mouth
  • Swish it for a minute or two and then spit it out
  • Rinse your mouth with water to get rid of the irritation
  • Or you can also mix this apple cider vinegar into your toothpaste and use this to get rid of the problem.

15. Vitamin C and Citrus Fruits:

Citrus fruits and the other fruits that have lot of vitamin C will help you to get rid of the yellow teeth. This has bleaching effect on the teeth and for this process, you can use strawberries, lemon, orange, Indian gooseberry, tomatoes, etc. to bleach the teeth and also to get the sparkling whiteness by removing the yellowness on your teeth. For more effective results, you have to mash them or rub them or take the juice of these fruits or do anything but you have to just get these into contact with the teeth to get rid of the yellow teeth.

16. Homemade Natural Teeth Whitener:

This is a simple method that you can prepare this at home with simple and easy available ingredients. It is made with turmeric powder, baking soda and coconut oil. Although these are very effectively in treating the yellow teeth and we have already explained about these three ingredients individually. But in this process you can get the overall benefits of all these ingredients and makes your teeth more visible white.
Curcumin in turmeric has many medical properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and antibiotic properties that deals with sensitive teeth and other dental problems like toothaches and gingivitis by clearing the yellow discoloration of the teeth. Baking soda with its mild abrasive nature removes the stains from teeth and clears the plaque buildup. Coconut oil draws the bacteria out of mouth and prevents all tooth problems by whitening and brightens the teeth.


  • Turmeric powder – 4 tablespoons
  • Baking soda – 2 teaspoons
  • Coconut oil – 2 ½ to 3 tablespoons
  • Bowl
  • Jar or container that has lid


  • Take dried and organic turmeric root powder in a bowl
  • Then add baking soda and virgin coconut oil to this bowl
  • Mix it well with a spoon or fork to make it like thick paste
  • Now place this on your tooth brush and use this as toothpaste to cleanse your teeth
  • Store the remaining paste in a air tight jar or container for further usage.
  • Regular using of this will help you to restore the whiteness on your teeth and helps you to smile always beautifully.

Tips to Prevent Yellowness in Teeth:

You can prevent this discoloration of the teeth to a great extent by simply following these tips that are given below.
  • Set up a routine life style and always follow this in that way to get relief from the yellow teeth.
  • Use 3% hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth and to get whitens up the teeth through oxidation process.
  • Avoid drinking dark drinks like coke, coffee and other drinks that may stain the teeth and causes yellow color.
  • Always take utmost care for not to get this yellow again to your teeth.
  • Consult your dentist as these yellow teeth can be result of some infection and or any teeth problem. So consult doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Always use straw to consume any drinks or beverages like coffee, fruit juices, etc. to reduce the teeth exposure to the staining beverages and other drinks. So that it directly pass to the throat rather than affecting the teeth.
  • Brushing your teeth gently will help to clear the bacteria and plaque, but avoid apply too much force on the teeth.
  • Drinking a cup of tea which is rich in fluorides daily will fight against the harmful bacteria and then stops the type of sugar production that leads to cavities. But never drink too much tea as this causes other side effects.
  • Avoid smoking, drinking red wines, other alcohol drinks, black tea, etc. as it removes the whiteness on the teeth and finally causes yellow stings.
  • Replace the toothbrush for every 2 – 3 months on regular basis. Regular usage of the water floss will help to prevent the teeth decay.
  • Drinking plenty of water and rinsing your mouth after every meal will help to clear the bacteria and other micro – organisms on the teeth and makes it look pearly white.
  • Include fibrous food in the diet and also intake of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet may help you to get rid of the yellow color on your teeth and restores the white color on the teeth.
  • Proper and regular rinsing of mouth can help to cleanse the teeth and prevent it from discoloration that was caused due to caffeinated drinks and other sugar sodas. Immediate gargle or swish your mouth with water to remove the residual food that are left in between your teeth.
  • Dark chocolates are rich in theobromine which is a substances the helps to harden and whiten the teeth surface. Eat this regular but in small quantities to whiten the teeth.
  • Peelu plant fibers are also used as toothpaste to restore the whiteness on the teeth with its non – abrasive property.
  • Alcohol will dry out the mouth tissues and attracts the bacteria to clean the mouth. But this alcohol can increase the risk of oral cancer. So be careful in selecting the mouthwash and it’s safe to use alcohol – free mouthwash.
  • You can also use whitening strips which are very thin and coated with peroxide gel that are easily available in the market. To whiten your teeth, you have to wear it for few minutes and continue using this for few days for more effective and visible results.
  • Sugar – free gums (made from Xylitol) are used to whiten teeth. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that fights against the plaque and helps to prevent the bacteria in the mouth. It neutralizes the pH levels in the mouth and also increases the saliva production to get rid of the tooth problems.
  • Brushing and flossing of teeth will help to prevent the yellow stain on the teeth. Doing this twice a day is more beneficial to cure the teeth and gum problems.
All these are proven and effective home remedies that are natural and gives pearly white so that it makes you smile with confidence at anytime. But remember that you have to take good care for the teeth and there should be no need to use these remedies again for whitening your teeth.

This is all about Natural Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening. Share with us if anything I missed in this list and also let me know which one worked well in making you smile with confidence.

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